Thank you for choosing Your-Exodus. Our goal is to provide a quality static web page for our customers to commemorate their loved ones that have passed on. We require all images and sentiments to be uploaded during the Order taking process. If content is missing, we cannot proceed with filling the order. Customers will be contacted with instructions how to submit content. Upon payment and receiving all required content, we are allowed up to 2 weeks to complete form submissions. After completion, we will email the customers instructions how to access their page. If a customer is not satisfied, our policy allows 1-additional week for the customer to contact us by email to address any issues with the posted page.
We do not edit content given to us by our customers including images and text. We only do placements and posts using the layouts purchased by the customer
All payments are non-refundable. If you are not satisfied with your page, we will work diligently to fix the issue. Pages are available for 6 months after all changes are finalized and approved.